;SHRINE TEXT ; Chaos Shrine - Spirit Chaos Shrine - Mana Chaos Shrine - Silver Armor Chaos Shrine - Reflection Chaos Shrine - Powerup Chaos Shrine - Gold Armor Chaos Shrine - Blade Chaos Shrine - Ghost Chaos Shrine - Boots of Speed Mana Shrine Spirit Shrine Silver Armor Shrine Light of the Seraph Shrine Power Shrine Blade Shrine Ghost Shrine Reflection Shrine Lungs of the Ssithra Shrine Gold Armor Shrine Boots of Speed Shrine ; ; AQUIRING ITEMS TEXT ; ; The HELLSTAFF. The THUNDER BLAST spell. The STORM BOW. The SPHERE OF ANNIHILATION spell. The PHOENIX BOW. The IRON DOOM spell. The FIREWALL spell. The TOME is yours. The RING OF REPULSION defensive spell. The LIGHTNING SHIELD defensive spell. The TELEPORT defensive spell. The MORPH OVUM defensive spell. The METEOR SWARM defensive spell. Small, OFFENSIVE MANA. Big, OFFENSIVE MANA. Small DEFENSIVE MANA. Big, DEFENSIVE MANA. COMBO MANA. COMBO MANA. STORM ARROWS. PHOENIX ARROWS. HELLORB. HEALTH VIAL. HEALTH POTION. You found a BALLROOM KEY. The COG piece is yours. You found the Warrior's Shield. The vial of MEDICINE is yours. You found an empty CONTAINER. The CONTAINER is now full of Earthblood. The DUNGEON CRYSTAL is yours. The SERVANT KEY is yours. You acquired the WARRIOR'S AMULET. You possess the SPEAR of the Warrior. The MASTERS HEART GEM. A MINE CART WHEEL. UNREFINED ORE. The ORE has been REFINED. You found a DUNGEON KEY. The WESTWING KEY. You found a KEY. You acquired the T'chekrik IDOL. The TOME is now in your inventory. You picked up the TAVERN KEY. ; ; Sorry messages ; You don't know the FLYING-FIST spell. You don't possess the HELLSTAFF. You don't know the THUNDER BLAST spell. You don't have the STORM BOW. You don't have the SPHERE OF ANNIHILATION spell. You don't have the PHOENIX BOW. The IRON DOOM spell is still a mystery. You cannot cast the FIREWALL spell. No TOME to use. You haven't learned to cast the RING OF REPULSION. The SHIELD spell is beyond your power. You can't cast TELEPORT yet. You have not acquired the MORPH OVUM. You have not learned the METEOR SWARM spell. You need the BALLROOM KEY. You need the COG. You need the SHIELD. You need the MEDICINE. You need the CONTAINER. You need the FULL CONTAINER. You need the DUNGEON CRYSTAL. You need the SERVANT KEY. You need the WARRIOR'S AMULET. You need the SPEAR of the WARRIOR. You need the MASTERS HEART GEM. You need the MINECART WHEEL. You need the ORE. You need the REFINED ORE. You need the DUNGEON KEY. You need the WESTWING KEY. You need the KEY. You need the IDOL. You need the TOME. You need the TAVERN KEY. ; ; Misc messages ; This Item is not useable. Run the server with '+set cheats 1' to enable this command. You are out of this item. Sorry, Not enough Mana to use this spell. Sorry, Out of Ammo for this weapon. You completed the sequence! Find 1 more... Find 2 more... Find 3 more... Find 4 more... Find 5 more... Find 6 more... Find 7 more... Find 8 more... Find 9 more... Find 10 more... A new OBJECTIVE has been written. ; %1 killed self. %1 died. %1 was killed by %2. %1 has entered the game. Time limit hit. Frag limit hit. %1 exited the level. %1 disconnected. %1 was KICKED from the game. %1 was BANNED from the server. You were kicked. You are banned. %1 timed out. %1 overflowed. Cinematic pending - waiting for other players to join.@ Cinematic in progress - waiting for end.@ ; ; Regular weapon obituaries ; %1 was chopped to hamburger by %2. %2 made a kebab out of %1. %2 sliced %1 into chunky salsa. %1 was hot slapped by %2 fireball. %1 was fireballed by %2. %2 got blasted by %1. %1 was blasted by %2. %2 blasted %1 into oblivion. %1 was missiled by %2. %1 was totally annihilated by %2's Big Blue Sphere of Death. %1 was annihilated by %2's Sphere. %2's sphere helped %1 to the floor. %1 almost avoided %2's Sphere of Annihilation. %1 almost avoided %2's Sphere of Annihilation. %1 almost avoided %2's Sphere of Annihilation. %1 was ripped a new one by %2's Iron Doom. %1 got shredded by the Iron Doom of %2. %1 bowed to the might of %2's Iron Doom. %1 was incinerated by %2's Firewall. %2's Firewall nicely toasted %1. %2 is offering BBQ'd %1. %2 rained on %1's parade. %2 ruined %1's picnic. %1 got stormed by %2's bad weather. %1 got his goose cooked by %2's Phoenix Arrow. %2 will not rise from the ashes of %1's Phoenix. %2 gave %1 the bird. %1 almost dodged %2's Phoenix Arrow. %1 almost dodged %2's Phoenix Arrow. %1 almost dodged %2's Phoenix Arrow. %1 was sent to hell by %2's Hellstaff. %2's Hellbolt got the best of %1. %2 shared a little hellfire with %1. ; ; Powered up weapons ; %1 was cut to ribbons by %2. %2 got %1's staff infection %2 dismembered %1 into little tiny pieces. %1 was rocked by %2 powered up fireball. %1 was fireballed by %2. %2 got blasted by %1. %1 was thunder struck by %2. %2 called down the thunder on %1. %1 was missiled by %2. %1 was flatlined by %2's powered up Sphere. %1 was annihilated by %2's Sphere. %2's powered up sphere wiped %1 out of existence. %1 almost avoided %2's Sphere of Annihilation. %1 almost avoided %2's Sphere of Annihilation. %1 almost avoided %2's Sphere of Annihilation. %1 couldn't catch %2's beach ball. %1 taunted %2's Happy Fun Ball. %1 was turned to Swedish meat by %2's Iron Doom ball. %1 was flame broiled by %2's Firewall. %2 lit a fire under %1's dead ass. %2 is now serving blackened %1. %2's rain drops kept falling on %1's head. %2 forecast called for %1's demise. %1 was used by %2 as a lightning rod. %1 ended %2's bird watching days. %2 is now Phoenix lickin' good because of %1. %2 Bird stuffed %1. %1 almost dodged %2's fiery Phoenix. %1 almost dodged %2's Phoenix Arrow. %1 almost dodged %2's Phoenix Arrow. %1 was redeemed by %2's Hellstaff. %2's laser from Hell scorched %1. %2 pointed his hellfire beam at %1. ; ; Suicides/misc deaths ; %1 was killed by unknown. %1 was killed by unknown. %1 was killed by unknown. %1 killed himself. %1 is an ex-parrot. %1 got tired of living. %1 tasted %2's shoe leather. %1 was dealt a savage beating by %2. %1 got the stuffing knocked out of him by %2. %1 saw stars from %2's Meteors. %1 is a crater from the Meteors of %2. %2's Meteor Barrier found %1. %1 felt the power of %2's thunder. %1 got permanently repulsed by %2. With %2's ring, %1 thee dreads. %1 was shocked to death by %2's Lightning Shield. %1 was zapped by %2's electric personality. %1 shouldn't stick his fingers in %2's light socket. %1 was henpecked by %2. %1 fell to the deadly beak of %2. %1 met with a pathetic end by the chicken %2. %1 tried to invade %2's personal space. %1 picked the wrong place to stand when %2 teleported. %1 tried to invade %2's personal space. %1 drinks like a fish. %1 drowned. %1 sucked down too much water. %1 CANNOT breathe liquid. %1 couldn't hold his breath any longer. %1 gulps it down. %1 ended up a chicken dinner. %1 took a nice hot bath. %1 got a little hot under the collar. %1 was mashed to squelchy bits. %1 turned into mincemeat. %1 now fits in a small jar. %1 cratered. %1 became a pavement pizza. %1 ended up all over the floor. %1 got bored with life. %1 couldn't stand life anymore. %1 needed to cheer up. %1 had blew eyes. %1 nuked. %1 exploded like a blood sausage. %1 tried to be all he could be. %1 found a way out. %1 attempted to escape. %1 shuffled off this mortal coil. %1 is pushing up the daisies. %1 has gone to a better place. %1 bled to death. %1 needed a blood bank. %1 squirted blood a little too liberally. %1 kebab. A large spike skewered %1. %1 was impaled. %1 burnt to death. Fried %1, to go. %1 thought it was better to burn out, than to fade away! %1 needs to be more careful with exploding things. %1 blew himself up. %1 exploded into a thousand pieces. ; ; messages used by the tutorial ; Yipee!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Top!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Smashing!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Tallyho!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Fair Play!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Booyah!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Smack!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Oh, thine elbow thou didst bring down upon me!@You did %d damage to me!@ Hit me again!@ That's marvelous!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ Rock!@You did %d damage to me!@Hit me again!@ No, no, that's not right, try again!@ Ow! That got me! Bargain! Now try another@ Right on! You have completed all your tests!@You may now beat me about the neck and@beak vigorously at your leisure.@Don't worry, I like it!@ @STAFF SWING:@Simply swing your staff at me and whack me good!@ @SPINNING STAFF SWING:@While running forward, attack with your staff@to knock me right good with a spinning staff attack!@ @POLE VAULT JUMP KICK:@Run at me with the staff readied and jump@to kick me square in the crest!@ @FLYING FIST:@Ready your Flying Fist spell and see if you can hit me!@ G'Day, Mate!@I'm Sir Nate, your whacking bird!@Feel free to practice your attacks upon me!@ Let's get started, shall we?@First, prepare your staff and get ready to pummel@my helpless limp body dangling from this rope which@is so pleasantly chafing my delicate claws!@ Cheers, mate, now use the your fireball and shoot@the two buttons on the wall@to end the level... You cannot talk for %d seconds. Name change not allowed again for %d seconds. Suicide not allowed again for %d seconds. Searching for local servers@This could take up to a minute@Please be patient Saving Personalized Config Restarting the Sound System@This could take up to a minute@Please be patient The map for Kellcaves was lost during the battle of D'Sparil. The Darkmire Swamp has never been mapped. No map has ever been made for the Katlit`k Canyon. The mines have never been mapped. No map, for no one knew the dungeons even existed. The Cloud Fortress is a mystery to all ! The WHIRLWIND defensive spell You have not the wind for the WHIRLWIND spell %1 ran into some nasty wind %2 dropped... %2 should stop eating beans, %1 just died because of it.. %1 was literally blown away by %2. %1 should avoid twisters in future. %1 ran into his own wind ! Now that's impressive.. %1 wind back fired on him. Nasty. Restarting coop game... please wait. $Helpful Key Commands%@@Esc = Menu@~ = Console@Tab = Lookaround@s = Say/Talk@+ = Increase screen size@- = Decrease screen size@@F1 = Help menu@F5 = Quicksave@F6 = Quickload@F9 = Return from drop camera@F10 = Drop camera@F12 = Quit / Exit@@ $Info%@@P = Map of Parthoris@U = City Map@I = Inventory@O = Objectives@@$Weapons%@@Offensive = 1-9 keys@Defensive = @Q = Power-up@W = Ring of Repulsion@E = Meteor swarm@R = Morph ovum@T = Teleport@Y = Lightning shield@